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Occupational Road Risk 

In the UK and many other countries there are already a number of requirements placed on employers under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety Work Regulations 1999

In addition to this, there are all the laws that relate to the operation of road vehicles, construction and use regulations as well as road traffic law.

This section will provide you with a general overview of your responsibilities as an employer, the law changes frequently and you are advised to consult with a road safety professional or legal advisor for any specific requirements that you may have. It does not cover in detail everything that you need to do. 


In the UK you should note the legal obligations placed upon you as an employer under the following two pieces of legislation


Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Under this act a duty is placed in employers to manage the safety of thier employees and any other person that may be affected by the employees activities - this means that you have a legal responsibility to anyone driving or riding for work no matter what the means of transport this includes the employees own car, bike or scooter. It does not cover employees commuting but DOES cover employees driving for any work reason either directed or nondirected work, for example going to meetings or dropping off the post on the way home. 


Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations 1999

Employers must carry out risk assessments to ensure the safety of thier employees and account for anyone who may be affected by the employees work, this means that for occupational road safety an employer must risk assess the total road risk activities and carry out periodic reviews. 



I recommend an Occupational Road Safety System that includes as a minimum


Corporate Culture and Responsibilities

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Driver Selection and Management

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Vehicle Selection


Vehicle Technology

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Journey Management

Security Team Member

Incident Management


Vulnerable Road Users

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